I found that I followed all five functions Tierney and Pearson discuss in “Toward a Composing Model of Reading” while writing my wikipedia article. I also realized my weakness in writing, which is the monitoring step. Sometimes I’ll get hung up on a certain minutiae and can’t snap out of it, if I’m particularly frustrated, I’ll scrap the whole thing and choose a new topic.
Planning was an especially important step in this project, although I don’t see any instance where planning would be a lower priority than something else.. besides maybe safety? Once I chose my topic, I suppose my goals were to write something procedural and intentional. It’s embarrassing for me to admit when I learn things, but after learning about my topic, I had the great feeling you get when you gain a new perspective (or in my case, at least scrape the surface enough to see a different color underneath). I wanted to inculcate, with less negative connotation, that feeling and knowledge to the reader. I don’t really understand procedural, but I wanted the reader to want to get a sense of the topic overall.
Drafting the article was like how I eat a huge thanksgiving meal; bit by bit from piles until it’s all gone. I didn’t need ‘flow’ as much as a narrative needs, I just needed it to be logically cohesive enough to not jar the reader. The first line was the hardest, as wikipedia articles start broad in scope and then narrow down. I had to be choosy with my words as not to contradict or misdefine the concept.
Alignment had a bigger role in this writing project than others. Because wikipedia is an editable, communal text where readers are writers, I didn’t want to put any personal flare in, but I still wanted to secretly push for it’s notability.
I consider drafting and revision about the same thing. In my case, I wrote words for the first line, cut words, added some more, then cut the whole sentence at one point. Was my second, or third try a revision or a draft? The good part about this project being a wikipedia article is you can slack a bit on the revising, because people will do that willingly.